Tay Aras | www.tayaras.com

The field of Extended Reality is one that I am very interested in, primarily when it comes to the design of useful or meaningful applications within the context of XR. The projects below are forays and experiments into this space.

Augmented Cultural Narrative Experiences

Year: 2021/22

<aside> 💭 Scroll down to see other projects! (This one is in progress)


How might we build virtual cultural spaces that are tangibly and narratively linked to physical spaces and locations?

Beamer - Intelligence in Spaces

Initial Collaborator: Ashley Burbano

Year: 2021



The overarching theme of this project was about intelligence in environments and how it might be represented. We decided to focus on smart home intelligence and came up with the question: How might we make smart home experiences more engaging through emotive products?

<aside> 💡 Beamer is a visual based augmented reality experience that adds emotive qualities to the smart home. It enhances the relationship between the smart home and the user by adding various interact-able projected characters to their smart products.


Beamer would work through a users AR Glasses, and would connect with the users existing smart home products. They would be able to select pre-built identities for each smart home product which would then respond to the user given different situations.